The implementation of the ISO 28000 standard positions Dacotrans as the leading logistics company in terms of supply chain security.
By: E&N Brand Lab for Dacotrans
Dacotrans Honduras is a company of German origin with 38 years of experience and focused on the transportation of commercial cargo by air, sea and land. The company, founded by Walter Knuth, is based in Honduras, but has strategic partners around the world. Aware of the vulnerability in the logistics sector to situations such as merchandise different from that declared, entry of people, adulteration of documents, loss of information, theft and looting, entry of prohibited merchandise, stowaways, route deviation, security violation or seals, money laundering and financing of terrorism, in 2018 the freight forwarder company chose to be certified with the ISO 28000 standard with the aim of guaranteeing the security of the chain, that is, from the moment the cargo leaves your supplier’s warehouse until you reach your customers.
By obtaining this certification, Dacotrans has a methodology that is based on processes and standards that allow it to reduce all types of risks throughout the supply chain in cargo transportation, guaranteeing its clients the reception of its merchandise in full.
“This ensures the quality we provide in our services and allows us to demonstrate that we have the capacity and competencies to responsibly control the threats and vulnerabilities that may affect the security of logistics,” the company highlighted.
Dacotrans has strategic partners and a global presence in the US, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Complying with the certification process with the ISO 28000 standard opened the doors to change with the implementation of new processes, although this did not represent problems since the organization was prepared for operational changes that were implemented and executed quickly and correctly, thanks to the fact that All people who work in the organization have the ideal skills to carry out their tasks appropriately and responsibly.
Another challenge, it was detailed, is that in Honduras the ISO 28000 Standard is not yet well known, so it is not easy to transmit the legal requirements to clients and suppliers, which affects compliance and obligations thereof. Likewise, it is challenging to correctly identify the risks that threaten the supply chain, the firm said.
Thanks to its certification, Dacotrans successfully achieved the application of established standards for better compliance with supply chain management, which allowed it to position itself as the number one logistics company in terms of supply chain security. Through certification, the firm strengthened ties with other industries such as textiles, machinery, agriculture, construction, chemical materials, commercial, sugar and automotive companies, among others.
Dacotrans has expanded to offer services for projects, customs clearance and merchandise insurance. In addition, it has a project department aimed at handling cargo that requires special handling, either because it is dangerous or oversized cargo and requires the hiring of special equipment. For more information visit
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