In San Pedro Sula, the V Edition of Expologística Honduras was held, where the largest companies of the country’s logistics union met, offering different cargo import and export services. Dacotrans participates again in this great event where our commercial team was at the forefront for the creation of new commercial ties with clients and suppliers. We had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Economic Development Fredis Cerrato to whom we explained the benefits of our services and talked about the different opportunities at the national level that the country has to improve our commercial projection that is linked to transportation facilities air, sea and land that we can offer.
We also managed to talk with Rosa Aparicio de Guevara who is the Counselor for Economic Affairs of the Embassy of El Salvador in Honduras. Technical talks were given for the different needs we have in logistics, such as being The regulation on the use of substances and equipment by end users Montreal Protocol in Honduras Labeling, Packaging and Packaging Management Environmental Sustainability in Logistics Operations Closing with a technical visit to the OPC Central American Port Operator.